+ enter -- ... // but I think I'll omit that and end it at "world!" //
that's called, um, editing . . .
prob. inspired by my reading of __here__ late night (and being H/N period) and twittering inappropriateness, improprieties, I do beg your pardon, curtsy, bow, simultaneously/
include image of accumulated image-thing called "maw" . (because it's said people like images when observing blog entries)
OK, matthew:
discussion of "cuntish" some refuse the word yet it's here. The word, it's old, but why not think "cuntish world" as being what you are entered into via "the word (under discussion)" and probably your mother is glad you were ejected into it "the world" but yet then what is partly the problem.
Feel like being celebrated to be placed into a fatal trap.
. . writes almost only only novella-ish lengthish fictions, and these fictions are almost only "science-fictional", or we can say "SFnal", this allows us to drop the science, and the fiction is not really obligatory also. But there is still something of a zone in which these fictions can be said to be placed, and "~nal . . . A 1979 birth. Lives somewhere in tokyo, that is in japan. How this all happened, I can't remember.
Exists best when spring, when autumn.
Admires aubergines. attempted further elaboration re: self, here
twit-err: @LmthwL
:: come_^forth-rising works (NOW)
/no, there was a jot, as mentioned below, &, I now link to two reviews, from John Cotter, contributor himself so this compromises somewhat integrity yet review is so good (=positive+ v.well-written) therefore link is fully acceptable therefore: http://johncotter.net/new-genre-7/
/ yet otherwise:narry not an apparent jot nor jots even,
I'm so sorry __ / but somehow I'm no longer so sorry, publishing thing (having things published) seems less important recently, hmmmmm ///
yet now 2015 in some future from this point "pure" SFnal text WORK PLANET WELT SPACEto appear in New Genre #7
-- for now here's a __link__ to Editor Golaski's lovely comment on my meagre work -- probably this is the best comment I shall receive in my life-cycle, and I am very thankfull.
-- plus now an elderly work rehabilitated and placed near the elderly work it is related to "A Johnny Paranthesis" (excuse me please . . . )
- short textual story "ending children play" in FALLING FROM THE SKY anthology (I have removed this link for the moment because the site seems to be malignant -- the malig. now over I repost the LINK - - a story in written bits "the dig" in publicationBIRKENSNAKE (with now accompanying short prelude text "A Johnny Paranthesis"kindly also hosted on the BIRKENSNAKE as in futurely-imposed) - - post-life prose story "the cat-dead party" inside (about half-way) (it is not half-way, it is 2/3rds or so) PREMONITIONS (VI):causes for alarm - review of))
discussion of "cuntish" some refuse the word yet it's here. The word, it's old, but why not think "cuntish world" as being what you are entered into via "the word (under discussion)" and probably your mother is glad you were ejected into it "the world" but yet then what is partly the problem.
ReplyDeleteFeel like being celebrated to be placed into a fatal trap.
I would like some help.
to be perfectly honestly
TMI, dude.
probably better in japanese though don't know "cuntish"
ReplyDeletegive it a go tomorrow