corners etc nothing much comes after the etc, fore-warning

so from clockwise reasonably square room, corner 1,2,3,4 - I would prefer 2 to be empty don't know why. I'm not japanese by the way. Will ask wife when she is not sleeping. Probable response: "whichever.." . .

Why 2? 1+3+4=8 , divided by the absent 2=4 , corners again. Am I being resistant to corners yet it is impossible? what would Mr Sloterdijk say?

or multiply 1x3x4=36, seemingly another perfect corner-full realm-number. Why these rooms anyway. There are triangular rooms, but they must eventually result in 180, a 9? is that our escape? from corners. There are three but I suppose acute.

90=corner\right angle.

Now I imagine a room with no corners, it must be a straight line forever? or it may curve. Nevertheless, it requires infinite space to not be confined by corners. Is it even a room?

A torus. no. even that derives from a rectangle

reminds me of idea to build such a shape along black hole event horizon, a corridor, where you where, you would always see the back of yourself. The corridor seems precisely straight (because gravity, bend light, etc)

Why not add some mirrors?

Possible time travel was light though mirrors along some event-horizon-like gravitational interference...

But from corners in total,

2D our only escape.


I've no idea.

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