


I try now to explain,
in / on 2ちゃねる
the thread on "I am a Hero"
they would make a list
of main theories
and "tree is key"
was a main early entry
on the list
(木="ki"=just so happens
to sound like key)
(i.e., as a key clue)
and early on, the very
1st volume, a tree is
mentioned, in the park
in Nerima, [placeholder for name of park]
                     ^^^^石神井公園=shakujii park / (stone god/spirit well?)
and I went with wife-woman
but couldn't find the key tree
(it was getting late and
my knee was still bad)
but in the lake in the
(very nice) Nerima park
is this sculpture:

and, that is all for now.

This is draft version of my
"I am a Hero" homework.

Also, I predict there will be 23 volumes in total,
because of this image(but see comment for my idiocy)

also, if I am to be generously
stretched with my thinking,
the third hand predicts the
strange "friendly giant"
who rescues our main characters
from hakone baths. . .

I will edit as I go and update etc
otherwise I can't manage to do.
The idea of perfectionism, or
simply "finishing" something,
I can't currently . . .

1 comment:

  1. why am I counting 23 when it is 13 fingers?

    somehow I was following an intuition and then it was already past 13 volumes.

    the current volume suggests 23-24 volumes maybe.

    I am working without authority, I am following my intuition.

    hold on.
