to continue proving I know nothing of the japanese language, and to keep my hand in, that's what they say, "keep your hand in" meaning, I think, keep practicing or something, yet I never felt I had my hand in, nor out, to be honest, I decided to spontaneously translate a poem by Hesse, the writer I hope, not the nazi, or was there . . . ? I forget, anyway, as the book, collected poems of Hesse, is in the house, for reasons I think it was like 100en and has a nice appearance, so at random, I translate (spoiler alert, I got bored or unconfident to carry on but anyway) title: "love song" .. . gee, I guess it's an early work, but, here goes, hold on your hats and other implements, postgender peoples!
(I shan't translate the title as it is above already)
where I a flower,
you come across me, on a walk,
I, taken in your hand . . .
(that's the first "draft")
I try another approach:
I, a flower,
you, on a traipse,
I become yours, taken in your hand . . .
that's the first "stanza", I got bored, tired, oh, I explained above anyway. Actually there's only one other stanza, just slightly longer, I may give it a go, later perhaps.
I thought I should translate some haiku, to prove the theory or whatever, as mentioned on twitter, but I can't find any, or, all haiku ends up sentimental, and I am against that, I've said already, oh once or twice. I still weep copiously anyway. It is the stance that is important, perhaps . . .
better perhaps the ancient chinese stuff, with the brackets &c, I am sure you remember . . .
I thought, being a flower, is somewhat dangerous, may get trod on and also flower and human relations never work out well, or do they, is there a underground romance-fetish-scene I am missing terribly out on???
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