image making under work initial result

I found a bit of wood, as in a piece of wood, shattered at two ends, and some nails were embedded, though somewhat prised out, as though someone had tried to removed them, then got fed up, I don't know, I can't recall the location of the piece of wood, I put it in my plastic bag. Now I've twice wrapped paper with things already drawn on them, and jammed it, the wood, with the paper wrapped, (I have used blu-tak, and little elastic bands, and jammed it, I was saying into the veranda metal I don't know what to call it, a frame work that maybe holds the veranda together, and it is supposed to be rainy season, that is a season like when it rains a lot, an awful lot, but in the last three years, in tokyo at least, it has been always an un-arrived rainy season, there may be a drizzle, and so the results I am hoping for, they haven't come yet, they will come with the rains, sunday they are saying now on the televised weather forecasts, &c, but for now I attach the first petty result, eventually I am thinking, 3d drawings of such assembled hanging from the ceiling . . . let us see

image of my wife's workplace's "idol" (previously mentioned __here__) little sticky-note (a post-it note) whereon I note the date of each attempt, thankyou

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