recur the days, nights too, recurse: how we go

I am frightened of "twitter" suddenly now a bit, so retire to this blog to wile away awhile.

"I'm too shy to say 'I'm'!" ← (from WIP--problematic "quotes" etc, but maybe can be considered part of the point. Are you part of the point or part of the problem? someone may ask. Whatever could you say in response? :_・

It keeps being supposed to rain (the silliness of "it" rains)(anyway. . .) but it never does.

I figured out a way to translate Emily Dickinson so will do one or two of them soon.

I translated someone's extract and am still waiting for the mother-in-law to write it beautifully. She is nervous to do so, or something. She lacks confidence. Everyone seems to lack confidence, probably even tony hawk the skateboarder who was the first to do a seven-hundred-&-something degree thingy is a lamentable wreck. Maybe everyone is like the late michael jackson and suffers so much they need to be regularly anesthetised.

I well recall my happenstance mispelling of "calmative" as "calamative" -- seems appropriate somehow.

What is twitter for? It will be good in the next major earthquake. Good as in: useful. It is nice to get a heart from someone I suppose. It would be better if there was some sort of storage of favourite tweets etc. An internal bookmark system to save tweets. Possibly two columns to check the past. Otherwise everything zooms and is lost. Perhaps that is the point, twitter is a receptacle system for us to place our last thoughts significant and otherwise as we zoom to our end-point.

Things to read in the meantime: Jalal Toufic Forthcoming available as a pdf but the link was lost in the twitter-zoom, I can send you a copy.
Lyotard, probably.
Tim Morton and other OOOs, and related, "speculative realists"
DF Lewis
Quentin S Crisp's Japanese-set "I novel" work i.e., Sadogashima which I read, well a while ago now. I wanted to say something about it. For now, let it be known I would like Q S C to write a travel guide-type thing to Japan, and I would be reluctant to go to all the places he writes of, though fascinated to do so anyway. I don't travel well in anycase. (I wouldn't mind going to Sadogashima, I think there is an outdoor Noh theatre...
many many others.

There are other things, like things to see, listen (sometimes seeing and listening happens at the same time, I think it is called "cinema&c, tele-visuals&c"

What else is there? Temperature, a variable. Light, the same. The damned weather.

There are clothes, bodies, dishes, to wash.

Provisions: whiksey, beer &c, the special elven food the "fellowship" are given. Morning gooey food.

I am not very hungry.

I may make a list of "cute" things in a later blogpost.

And I found the source of my "sister-complex". A later blogpost. And the Robin Blaser &c. Let it arrive in its proper time.

Let it be of its proper duration, in its proper place.

For now no visuals, I shall run to twitter and post a link to this and then run away from both here and there.

There was a "tranche" of tumbling my wife-woman did, here, for the sake of visuals →

・ ・ ・ ・ (enough  :_・

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