conversation post X I become true witch watch out

I have a medicinal tower three days of the medicine it is supposed to contain. It fits together like a combanation transformer toy; from tomorrow I may take the contents piece-by-piece because tomorrow = thursday then friday then saturday which = mento heathclife I dread it, sometimes I don't think I can make it, sometimes I make ot (ugh,sounds like bonjovi "lyrics") sometimes I can't make it: (quick head to blanket dosed heavily it's only solace)

the mento heathcliffe doesn't make things better. Makes things worse? Not quite. But there's a wavering line I'm in, or is me. In me? This is no time for lyrical poetry. Battles are mainly quiet(?) or used to be.

One more medicinal tower may be good. Three more days.

I will make it but hardly and then next appointment, interim between. The same.

I cannot do very well right now. That's what I know for certain.

No image, this post. Be lost, all of you. I enact curse, yes. I'll be witch, that's how to cope.

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