Work Planet Welt Space :: I gave you everything and now I'm nothing

I say I shouldn't do the following, reveal a little about the text in the new genre #7, but I went ahead and did, why, I don't want to be misunderstood, may be the main reason. It's not so bad. I merely reference and link previous mentions from old times of the text as it was perhaps being formed, then a little something, about class confidence, that was important, and then a j-pop to lessen the trouble. I'm so sorry, either way. Yet here it is. I've done it. The blog post.

one old post:

two old post utterly unrelated to be frank:

three old post more utter annihliation(unrelation):

four old post, where in fact is related, i drew pigeons, while writing Kasparr's or someone's last transmission:

it is a little boy book. For the interests of gender parity, previous text in previous new genre i.e., #6, was a little girl book. There's balance there. In any case, in the world of SJW, I fat-shame Oprah Whinfrey most of my life.

spindles are probably the result of plant-based computing. (but see google book search, i.e., girls of the spindle, it is mancunian early industry stuff, also, mitotic spindle, that's in yr brain, also psychoanalysis, kernel and spindle -- this will all be come in handy later, (( as all such SFnal purely works will be based in this same world though in differing eras etc)) I'm telling it all like a tittle-tattle. I'm telling on myself. The future depicted is likely ultra-fascist like a mean english old school. I was once a duty boy at a mean english old school, though not a posh fee-paying one. it had aspirations. Pathetic when I look back now. I would like to spit all over it. Luckily, once, while still young, after a night-out "w'the lads", we had the taxi drop us off by the school, and climbed the gates, and urinated proudly across the main entrance (which was not accessible to the "pupils").

Sorry to lower the tone, thought I don't think I ever raised it.

this was all long agos, there's no parity to timing

the class-system, americans, is different, in the england. there were some "k-punk" posts long long ago now about class confidence (specific to the england) i link to some of these posts with a quote or two from various of thos old posts with no comment wherein the link is contained, and no further comment, from this point. and thatshalll be the end of the matter, but the j-pop selection to end the blog-post, which is a snippet of overly pretty hanae-san (her "bob" is pretty) song called "girls&boys" to put an end to the trouble of gender disaprity concerning litttle books "little girl boook " I am antenna/antennae" and "little boy book" work planet welt space all for good at once, enough

"k-punk" pulled quotes with attendant links and as promised no comment:

_/1/_ Public schools instil social confidence; the Winchester and Eton boys I encountered at Oxford seemed - to me, at least - astonishingly socially assured ・・・class power maims at precisely the same moment that it confers its privileges ・・・ Social confidence is not based on achievements but on intrinsic ontological status: the ruling class are taught to see themselves as essentially talented and intelligent, irrespective of either achievements or failures ・・・ The opposite of social confidence and its attendant sense of entitlement, its urbane at- homeness-in-the-world, is a sense of inferiority, a constant worry about whether one should occupy certain spaces, the quietly panicky conviction that 'surely they can see that I don't belong here'・・・ Mark E Smith was surely at his most sage when he said that going to Public School was 'punishment enough'
_/2/_ But the working class never experience their own lives and behaviours as natural or normal in the way the dominant class does. The encounter with the education system immediately makes working class people aware that their use of language differs from - i.e. is inferior to - the 'standard' ・・・ What needs to be accounted for is why certain groups have the 'fantasy' of being inferior (and why certain groups have the 'fantasy' of being superior). I place the word 'fantasy' in inverted commas here because, surprise surprise, in the case of the working and ruling classes, the 'fantasies' of their social status correspond with their actual position in the social hierarchy. But we must go round the whole loop here: there is no neutral social reality beyond fantasy, and the class structure can only persist so long as people act in accordance with their class fantasies.
_/3/_ Choose yer weapons (my embolded emboldened alteration emphasis) ・・・ The implicit opposition is between Media (as transparent window-on-the-world transmitter of good, solid commonsense) and Education (as out-of-touch disseminator of useless, elitist arcanery). Once, Media was a contested ground, in which the impulse to educate was in tension with the injunction to entertain. Now – and the indispensable Lawrence Miles is incisive on this, as on so many other things, in his latest compendium of insights – Old Media is almost totally given over to a vapid notion of Entertainment – and so, increasingly, is education ・・・ Put it this way: a situation in which Lawrence Miles languishes, at the limits of mental health, barely able to leave his house, while the likes of Rod Liddle swagger around the mediascape is not only aesthetically abhorrent, it is fundamentally unjust . . .

shall have to do for now. Dear americans, don't consider this an affront. The class systems are wierdly different. This is just (the above) a snippet showcase of examples you may need to configure together as coherent yourself. Forgive me, though you really needn't . . . アラ・・・

promised j-poppal:


  1. corrected the extra "I" in title of blogpost despite possible bathos/pathos it carried. I am not an allen ginsberg fan but "america" is good like "a supermarket in california". the early stuff maybe, before he became messiah-wannabe -- (similar career trajectory to some of the spicegirls)

    no-one reads comments /anyway/

  2. also also it should be "i gave you my all" "may all" .///
    and now I'm nothing,but in any case the set-up was not intended for most rigourous truth-tattle\etc

    and I'm here on comment field, do they otherwise still exist, I shalln't know///

    shalln't is a thing I am laying claim to/

    bye for now

  3. "dominant social classes" etc, authority, etc, also applies to mento heathcliffe situations, In only like yesterday realised, why these understandings take so long, so as that your only means of help is also mediated by the troubling system-fabric of what caused you to require help in the first place.

    and you don't get much fucking help, let's be clear. You get what you can get out of it. And meanwhile "Oh, are you doing well" you hear from the idiot swarm.

    fuck it, I'm almost out of here, now and then I shall think

  4. also to be noted, there are no "boyz" in the jpop video clip, that's a good thing.

  5. M fisher may well have liked the japanese marginal unit scene....

    Mento heathliffe = mental health(crises)
    It is revealed.

    Grief also includes anger, I note.

