compulsory cat -- close-to-home edition

same cat, one year is between these photos i.e.,
one year ago (21st june) (above), this year and, just the other day (3rd may) (below)
and the place the same, not just generally the same, but absolutely, the same corner where a green -- what is it called -- it is unfolded (by whosoever first bothers) near bin collection day/ receptacle, where must be a good potent smell, for the cat would not stop snuffling the underneath, of the, I-don't-know-what-it's-called-yet receptacle, temporary and mobile

this cat (it's missing an eye perhaps?) is admiringly heedless of all human peoples. (so be youse, why nots??) among the swarm of our world this cat cuts through. I aim to be unconcerned as this cat//

I saw also the cat one time one street removed hunting a buzzing beetle in the summerlate afternoon, found perch surface higher approach for beetle, I reckon on successful play kill.

snuffle old kill spots.

a way of life.

close-to-the-bone edition almost a cat an entrance-way familiar (familiar as the collections of our bagged wastes)

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