PAUSE [-interval] allow some, ACKNOWLEDGE, blast RADIANT GROUND


-(and surroundings)-

Seems inappropriate but I didn't know what else to do. Why not. Haino Keiji's tribute prayer poem thing to mark Derek Bailey's death, from here -- it seems a bit ridiculous perhaps, but so is what happened and all THE SITUATIONS, so, I quote:

That, which while enfolding this now and present perfume, speaks, 'I will use to the fullest this form bestowed upon me' and blurs into the firmament - ah, where and in what form will it next be devised

-- what make of it?

1 comment:

  1. and it happens again:

    I was saying to mio, the time of earthquake , at 11.3, time 2 4 6 ,
    and then the new one, at 11.4, time 5 1 6

    math people, show these numbers date 1 1 3 , 1 1 4
    and 2 4 6, 5 1 6 some attention please.

    seems an interwining sequential thing...
