dream ramification(s)


A woman lives in a cold region, and has embarked on the hobby of making hats. One day, she realises she hasn't made any hats. She thinks she was kidnapped, possibly by the anti-hates (hat haters). She writes a book about her life, wherein, during the writing, she realises the kidnap incident was a fold-in during the writing process, ie. some episode of hat-making was obscured by the mixing of pages relating to her non-hat-making occasions. Ron Silliman on his website likes the circularity, of this wherein the life being written about gets entangled in its own pages.

Working for aliens in their futuristic city, during unauthorised explorations I came across a natural history museum tracing their ancestry. The earliest remnants were piles of long coloured tubes. I intuited that these tubes contained the bodies of space faring giant squid, and then I woke up. Waking up, I intuited that the Japanese are descended from the giant squid. This immediately explains hiroshima and nagasaki: as everyone knows, it has been posited that the squid is the perfect life form for space travel, and in the future our space traversing offspring will be spliced with squid bits to make them more hardy for the journey. The Japanese, being descended from the squid already, have an advantage over less chewy humans. Thus, america drop atomic bombs to warn against any premature space entering. Another proof is the enthusiasm for whaling. The giant squid and the whale are enemies, it stands to reasons that if one were to manifest as a human civilisation in disguise, they would endeavour to hunt and kill the old opponent.
below: ancient japanese interred in their history squid tubes


  1. Fantastic. 'a' is something I am very interested in myself. I want to explore this element in future tales. The story I am going to send you (tomorrow!) has this to a small degree (it is not integral per se, and is not exactly a circularity fold-in, but it has the elements of confusion that such an incident would give birth to).
    'b' is very, very funny. And yet, there is an unsettling element of possibility / truth around it...

  2. I am not responsible for my dreams.

    the Tv series "my so-called life" was well-serviced by dreams, they seemed to show the futures of the teenage characters, although the dreams were dreamt by the adults mostly.

    it was a lovely programme - i remember all the faces

  3. dream 'a' is vaguely like blake butler's "alice knott" maybe, says the future
