5 hrs through tokyo . 3 / 3

Among sickiness and pained feet there arose a pink octoid shape!
It is the kind of thing needed at this sort of time.

We reached near-home just before 7am, and camped outside a MosBurger waiting for it to open its breakfast doors. I consumed a fresh burger, hot fried potatoes, and a coffee shake. Mio consumed a rice burger. She said "I had a prejudice towards the rice burger. I was foolish." She liked the rice burger. I had a wee bite, and disliked it I am ashamed to note. (A rice burger is like the commonplace burger, but the bun is made of rice see) (and actually the innards were not necessarily common to a burger)

it is beholden upon me to entice mio into making post-things in the future, I am getting a bit fed up of it, you may have noticed. So expect information concerning favourite manga about ballet and avant-garde hyper-space-operas, the place where she works at lunchtimes (a cafe we spotted near the octoid form), the cooking of aubergines, revelations of violent contemporary artists, &tc &tc

- - and that is how everything happened, came to be


  1. A strange octopus indeed. Is it for children to play?
    Bread burger buns out of rice? I am aghast! Tis the future I say, the Japanese have it all! Rice burgers will herald the death of western companies... Probably not, but it's still an amusing concept. Are they like rice cakes?
    I look forward to Mio posts. Take breaks Malale, store it up and then post in a flurry of activity.
    I look forward to more weird and wonderful Japanese shapes.

  2. I think it is a complex slide. there is sand around it.

    thank you for your kind comment. I am sure by the weekend Mio will have concocted some sort of interslot post.
