j-poppal authority 007(?)+1 first attempt to sum up a year part one

yurumerumo suicide EP

I shalln't name each song. Why not. I demand: Why?

a prior statement/hypothesis, all idol-units, however marginal, come to cohere at stages in the song, usually the end, plus the chorus, but sometimes the chorence, I mean it comes and goes, a weaving is going on in each idol-unit song.


1st song and it's video discussed was it here: http://malale.blogspot.jp/2015/04/hasten-jpopal-authority-001.html it has become familiar to me now. I miss the utter un-knowing that persisted for quite a while. I hope you enjoyed a similar feeling for a period, or was it just me?

2nd song , the most "idol" , with coherence to start with then some electronica subverts but subsequently itself subverts with most typical (on this EP) idol melody, for a while. Then also it sort of goes out of tune only to regain coherence picking up the dual-subversions in the meantime. and is now almost my favourite, its dislocations thus allowing it subsequently to do what the hell it wants.// drum&bass, school-bell (school opening melody)(or is it lesson change signifier), then the coherence which is at same time a de-coherence cohered as though E Pound's the Cantos where finished and cleared of fascist thought. Wow, that's a second song on a little EP of a marginal (at the time) idol unit!

3rd song . . . immediate electro melodic verse, then feel the chorus strenghtens only to drift off then srenghten again, until maybe the real chorus, like a statement (are all chroruses statements?) no sometimes just there for sake of having a chorus, in music etc, I like this disruptive, "chorus"-or-not, I like when there is no chorus, or it's only at the very end.
A call and response something transmute to an end with applause installed.

4th song . . . choral lines and harpischord somewhat then electric bass pulse ctaherdal-interior-somewhat,
more of a solo piece, for the beginning at least, then . . .
builds up with muted drum machine papapapapa// like a slight patter-glitch(it is slow like cathedral is slow to build) and the other members enter, ta ta ta and chordal slow melodies, naturally we expect a build up from beginning, that begins nice and late, and the variety of voice-tone is nicely collaged (like a stained glass window shimmering with fickle autumn light!) and it has a great finality to it. The cathedral is built. Attend it.

Escalator or Elevator - Entrance Ep

--(I don't either, know the difference)

this is a duo collobaration between a member of yurumerumo and bellring, both marginal for the moment idol units.

there is a (non-flinch-worthy) rap aspect to the beginning of the first song, then it coalesce to a reasonably normal chorus, though with a perfect sort of nonchalance only likes of "the fall" could pull off. Or a nirvana without heroin and they are girls around 20 and cuteness but also a sort of stubbornness are praiseworthy traits.

the other song (there are only two) has a wonderful broken off-tune vocal of one, then replaced by the other, until they form a chorus supplemented with electric synth, and "yabe~~", which has become a catchphrase in this household . . . this is like if you were 16 and had access to depas and some drink and the world looked like is about to blind you / a sort of Elaine Radigue piece compressed to 4 minutes of girls singing and strange sounds and they sing like they care then don't then do again. Like playground frolic during this anthropocene.

These are all treasures of the last year just passed, musically speaking.

(more to come, not all J-poppal)

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