current 31st may 2015

I didn't feel any earthquake that suddenly I see everyone was saying there was one, big, large etc. I claim utter innocence, ignorance, all things are intact if they had been accosted by an earthqyuake (things that would have been accosted by an eartquake -- cups, glass stuff, buildings, live, remain un-accosted) would have known. . .

I almost went foolish and purchased a dodonpachi game on the play station 2 without having a play station 2 or any other play station, instead made deal with wife, I would only buy a 108en super famicom game about we think it is a seal, we are currently in a prolomged debate, is it a seal is it an otter, and also she has reneged on the deal, the details of which entailed her playing the game while I observe and offer "super play" advice. She has fallen asleep. At least I have some leverage for the future.

this is all instead of dying in earthquake.

a jinx if ever I saw //

you know the charles olson poem, wherein he says "the hats women then" and omits the expected "wore" // I like that so much.

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