around about encounter enemy

forlorns , despondants

recently (if it is not always) I was saddened, by a glut of stuffs.
feel sickly nervous for probably reasonable reasons?

had some sad feelings about an acquaintance getting all tory right-wing, explanation for which (in an email) eerily foreshadowed the oslo right wing murder shooter's general thought-stuff.

eerie that this sprouts all seemingly over europe etc

the right wing thought which is a form of magical thinking, it gets me down. Also the tendency of such people to presume all sorts of things about peoples never met. Presumptions concocted on a mere whim, whimsy prejudice formed as a basis of their further magick thinkings.
terrible way to use a life and its brain. Aspersions cast willy-nilly.

these are sighfull days.

Like for example, here are some staunch rightists:

Surely these are the worst haircuts ever assembled in one place? It is too horrible an image, I will delete it in a few days.

in other events, I was watching the murdoch questioning bullshit and wondered what this painting is, in the "portucullis house", wikipedia page of which does not address particulars of furnishings.

looks rothko-ish and with a ghost at the left?

Also there was an actual encounter with an actual enemy, it is too awful to discuss any further right now, but these have surely been some forlorn days and weeks and month, my, oh dear.

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