There are interesting things to be considered among the bardo:
The first bardo begins when we take birth, and endures as as long as we live. The second is the bardo of dreams.

There are four other bardos and it gets complicated. There is:
The final stage before rebirth. This phase lasts until we have visions of our new parents and are conceived in a womb.

I am interested in:
. . . All compounded things dissolve . . . Nothing and no one is exempt . . . Death is not evil but a natural transformation we have all been through many times

and how this dissolution, investigated in the text I am quoting (modern commentary on karma lingpa's ZHI-KHRO 'teachings on the peaceful and wrathful deities'), arises from its idea of conception:
At the moment of conception, a subtle mind consciousness and wind unite to fuse the essence elements of the father and the mother into a zygote

This is all very subtle, many things are formed from the conception, you should read the (very charming) text I am quoting from (I can't find where it came from!).

There is something called:
primordial luminosity

The four gross elements have all dissolved.

Here is what I am interested in the most at this moment:
By this time, the dying person has stopped communicating with the external world. He no longer sees form, hears sound, smells odors, tastes flavors or feels anything. There is no awareness of the objects of sense.

At this time, the white and red elements begin to vibrate toward disintegration. The inner experience of this phase is associated with three visions: a white vision, a red vision and a black vision.

The white and red elements, which we received from our parents in the form of sperm and egg, are known as the root elements of the body. The white essence, which we got from our father, pervades the body, but mainly resides within the crown chakra. The red essence, received from our mother, is also found throughout the body, but is concentrated in a place about four finger-widths below the navel chakra. As these two elements drift toward disorder, the white element is affected first.A few seconds, or perhaps a minute after the descent of the white element, the downward winds begin to shake and dislocate the red element from its residence four finger widths below the navel chakra.

When the white element, contributed by the father, begins to drip from the crown to the heart, all anger is dissolved. When the redness comes up from below the navel and merges with the heart, attachment comes to an end. The thirty-three emotions associated with anger are stopped, and the forty emotions related to attachment cease.


  1. now there is an unexplained misty sheen space upon the upper portion of here.

    ? why

  2. it's gone.

    sorry you missed it.

    one of those mysterious incidents passing through as tho subterraneously .

  3. perhaps a result of this :


    "Up is down, left is right and black is white,"
    from here:

  4. it seems obvious now that the senses forming consciousness are arrays formed around something else and the unconscious is not a nothing at all.

    Leibniz and some speculative realist philosophers have talked about this, and a sort of indefinite sleep of non-living objects, and something being called "allure" on their (non-living)terms also.
