Manifest Destinies

meeting a younger brother .
the other girl close to dying was later revived with an allergy tablet.
always keep one handy

>>> mio's comment : sorry, i sent this photo to my mum but
i did not mean to laugh at her....the poor sick lady.

it was in an okinawan bar. there we were made to eat pig's ears.
quite tasty sort of meat crisps.


  1. I will not laugh either then, though the temptation is great..
    Olia loves pigs ears, but she eats almost anything.
    She says Mio is absolutely gorgeous.
    It would be nice if we could all meet some day. Preferably over there, we want Japan adventures, plus Olia's friend Gabri is coming there for a year at the end of September to teach, so yes. It shall be.
    Was the whale outside a museum, or was it fresh?
    They do eat whales over there no? Have you yet? Perhaps eating one will conquer your fear - "I am more pwerful than thou! I have eaten thine flesh!" etc etc.

  2. Oh sorry, it was outside a museum, I seemed to have suffered temporary single sentence dyslexia, though I am tired, and drinking Rioja.
    We are about to have some duck.

  3. won't be eating any whale, they are too big.
    you can see a blue whale in the natural history museum. that is what made me fear them in the first place. No, I was afraid before that. At the age of 5ish (my age) they unveiled the blue whale there, but I was too frightened to go see it. Finally went when I was 18. Terrifying. Each time is the same.
    There are also sinister giraffe skeletons flocked around the whale.
    It is a recommended experience

  4. 懐かしいなー
