blue, whale; b

we have our fill of whales blue


  1. How come there are deleted comments?

    I like the little lit street, and the whales pics. Do children climb on it? Or is that not allowed, things like that are usually not allowed.

    I started reading your story, and will email you thoughts - though life is preventing me from doing many things.

    We have that book to send you, and I will include a copy of my story for your edification - I am currently setting up my printer.

  2. Oh yes - Kev fixed the profile pic on Mgun blog, and there are 2 pics there now, which makes things brighter. He dropped in on Tuesday and we all drank box wine until the early hours.

    I took a photo of a splay \(word?) of the magazines.

    Take a look-see.

  3. some spam thing i deleted.

    saw the display type photo of magazines, it looked nice.

    i have been delayed by life also
