about the latter literature - useless intro.

 Plainly these things aren't coming to a conclusion or a twining
wherein we see connections. And I have been meaning to think of
how a certain type of book at least does that while remaining
something as compelling as a detective novel or the latest comic
book inspired american tv series
I will have to approach -plot
and the other usual wigwam talk, but in the context of
those works which manage the avoidance but utilisation of all that.
An impossibly incomplete list follows for the moment:

Dr Sax, Kerouac
Soft Machine, Burroughs
Jack Spicer
Dante, Blake, Li Po, Melville, Zukofsky
Olson's poetry will likely always be a headache for those who
like to assimilate and a grand &tc

The Point is that things continue to be misunderstood,
the Latter Literature is ascertained a place in the future,
as something unidentifiable for perpetuity
like a safeholding, access only in special, usually tragic,


  1. Where does this thinking of literature wigwams come from? yes yes. I am about to begin Malone Dies. More photgraphic images and drawings.
    I like it, though perhaps structure should be looked at - as in the stuff at the bottom being on the side and titles, etc. Olia got good at it, but then got bored. She spent 7 hours making this:
    but has done little since.
    I will continually check in if you continue with your endeavours.
    The picture at the top is lovely.
    More please. Of Japan. And Mio, and you, and raw fish, and stickers, and window views, if there are, any.

  2. the wig wam means the talk I will have to think of constructing carefully and all interlocked as I suppose wigwams are. I think I am trying to talk about some books that are perpetually placed in the future for discussion and assimilation into whatever canon awaits, so they are never, discussed, etc. being assimilated is not as important as being discussed. So perhaps we can discuss these things, now and then among the ant photos.
    that's all .

  3. forgot this "train " of "thought "
